The spirit of the holiday season is a spirit of generosity. We give gifts. We gather together (if only virtually) to share the bounty of our holiday tables. And in the Lehigh Valley, we band together to support those in need.
In this issue—our last of 2020—we draw our focus to the hard-working local small businesses and nonprofit organizations at the heart of our community. They have worked tirelessly to overcome tremendous odds. They have been there for us. And they need our support now more than ever.
Start by reading about the work of some of the Lehigh Valley’s dedicated nonprofit organizations in our 17-page Giving Back feature on page 34. The challenges of this year have made their work seem downright impossible at times, and we are in awe of the ways in which our local nonprofits have continued supporting our community in spite of unprecedented obstacles. We guarantee you’ll be inspired—and we encourage you to consider supporting one or more of them through donations, volunteering, or both.
Over the past nine months, our small business neighbors have navigated an extraordinary and ever-changing landscape. They’ve gotten creative and found new ways to do business, keeping us safe all the while. Our annual Gifting Guide, starting on page 12, makes it easy for you to support local retailers this holiday season, with nearly 20 pages of giftable items curated and created right here in the Lehigh Valley. More than ever, we encourage you to skip the big-box stores and keep it local—whether in person or online, shopping small has never been so important.
As we close out a year like no other, we hope you feel as proud as we do to be a part of this community. A community that comes together to weather storms. A rich and diverse community where neighbors help neighbors—where kindness is second nature, where giving is a given. And fueled by that pride, we hope you’ll read through this issue and be inspired to act: volunteer, donate, shop, support, give. ‘Tis the season, after all.
Kiera Wilhelm and the Fig Industries team