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An up and coming music artist, Seth Witcher may be young, but this self-proclaimed “old soul” brings to his music and his community a depth that belies his years. Witcher, whose music career officially launched in 2018, started early on, as a child playing piano, guitar, and singing with his church choir. You can catch Seth performing all over the Lehigh Valley and beyond. He’ll be performing at Musikfest August 5-14 and releasing his next song “House of Gold” on June 24th.
While busy building his music career, Seth is dedicated to making his music work for his community as well. He’s performed for free at several venues including the Rock N’ Run event at Coca-Cola Park sponsored by the
Salvation Army and the Kindness Project’s annual fundraiser held at Putt-U. For Seth, giving his time and talent in support of cause-related events comes easily. “I love to give back. If I’m asked and I’m available, I will do it.” And make no mistake, Seth is self-effacing about his service. “I don’t publicize this; it’s just what I do.”
When asked about the particular venues, both of which support foster care and adoption services, Seth explains, “There is no coincidence that these organizations support children. I grew up with two parents at home, homeschooled for years, so I was blessed with extended family time.”
Visit or follow along on Instagram @seth_witcher