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Local fashionista Leigh Ehrlich spends her days working in her luxuriously decorated home office, which she designed around a clear desk so she can always “see her shoes.” Unlike most people, she still dresses up to work from home every day, using the opportunity to experiment with her outfits, applying and flexing her own office fashion rules. When she’s not working her day job as the CFO for Hospital Operations at Lehigh Valley Health Network, she spends time dreaming up ways of giving back to her community, especially through one of her passions—fashion.
Over the past year and a half, like all of us, Leigh became very aware of the struggle small shops were facing in the Lehigh Valley, and she wanted to find a way to specifically help local female-owned clothing shops. She decided if people weren’t going out for fashion, she’d bring fashion to them.
After recruiting a small group of friends, family, and neighbors to participate as both models and audience members alike, she opened up her backyard and threw an impromptu fashion show featuring clothing and designs from two of her favorite local shops—AM Luxe and Lara Bly Designs.
What resulted was something quite remarkable. People connected once again, safely and very fashionably, and everyone involved was more than thrilled with how it turned out. “Everyone was dressed up, smiling and really, truly, happy,” Leigh said.
With the first show being such a hit, Leigh has plans to continue this fashion show every year, expanding it to help more of her neighbors showcase their merchandise. Growing the show undoubtedly means more details and plans to work out from her gorgeous office, but Leigh is up for the challenge. She hopes the new annual event will continue to improve and bring together this community she loves.
Leigh said “We all just need to work together, and we can do it with confidence and style”…and that’s exactly what she did.