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“I hope people feel like this is a place where they can have a good conversation,” says Ashley. “We try really hard to leave the junk at the door, and just be a light.”
ASHLEY BERGHUIS KNOWS how to bring people together. The owner of Crave, a new healthy smoothie bar on Bethlehem’s North Side, uses her natural skills as a community connector not just to make delicious, balanced, nutrient- dense drinks for the regulars, but to bring those regulars closer together.
Crave serves clean energies and smoothies made with Herbalife Nutrition products, which Ashley first began distributing after they helped her manage her weight. She’d struggled with weight loss for most of her life, but within a week of introducing the shakes into her diet, she noticed positive changes. Ashley intended to share her own experience with Herbalife through social media, helping clients online—but one day she drove by an empty retail space. She got a gut feeling that stuck with her, and launched her plan to create a welcoming spot where people could gather and start their own healthful habits. (Though with smoothie flavors like Banana Nut Muffin, French Toast, and Peppermint Mocha, you may forget you’re drinking something that’s good for you.)
There’s a real focus at Crave on friends and family. Ashley’s husband Alex designed the Crave logo, the Crave Team took an active role in building the space, and many of the people you will find behind the bar were once regulars that just fell in love with the products. “I hope people feel like this is a place where they can have a good conversation,” says Ashley. “We try really hard to leave the junk at the door, and just be a light.”
The idea is not to just serve you and send you on your way, says Ashley. You’re welcome to hang out at the bright, inviting bar. Since Crave opened in May 2018, she’s watched relationships—and real friendships—get made, one tasty smoothie at a time.